Recognize good service and promote feelings of ownership
Hand-in-hand with raising awareness of CIT, the partner organizations should make a special effort to recognize good service by individuals involved with the CIT program. This recognition keeps officers and mental health providers invested in the program, which in turn helps them feel a sense of ownership over CIT. CIT officers and others involved in the program often come to identify themselves with the program, saying "I am a CIT officer" rather than, "I took the CIT training course." This strong feeling of identity benefits the program by supporting a group of dedicated professionals. Recognizing good service helps to bolster this identity.
In the law enforcement community, letters of commendation from command officers and letters of appreciation from the public are a huge sign of support. In addition, often advocacy groups hold an annual public awards ceremony honoring a CIT Officer of the Year. CIT programs are often included in advocacy fundraising efforts to bolster.
Crisis Intervention Team Core Elements (page 19)
Jackson (TN) CIT Program Letter of Thanks